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You're viewing Battleground 6 : Napoleon in Russia Cheat Codes

Game Name : Battleground 6 : Napoleon in Russia
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 03:04:46
Views : 24750
Cheat :
Tip: Keep in mind the rules regarding "threat values." Formation changes attempted while enemy forces are nearby may fail. Lower-quality units cannot be expected to change formation successfully on a consistent basis in the presence of the enemy.

Tip: Given the broken terrain of the Borodino battlefield and the lower quality of the troops, you will probably want to move and fight in column. Infantry in line can easily become disrupted by obstructed terrain and stacking with other types of forces.

Tip: Don't overuse cavalry charges! Never expect a charge to carry a prepared enemy force. Artillery and infantry should be used to soften up the position before sending in the cavalry. Also, pay attention to terrain features prior to conducting a cavalry charge. Cavalry need large areas of unobstructed terrain to make an effective charge.
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