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You're viewing Super Smash Brothers Cheat Codes

Game Name : Super Smash Brothers
System : Nintendo 64
Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:49:36
Views : 100775
Cheat :
Play as Jigglypuff (Purin):
Beat the game with any character on any difficulty and number of lives. Then beat Jigglypuff.

Play as Captain Falcon:
Beat the game in 20 minutes. Then beat Captain Falcon.

Play as Ness from Earthbound:
Beat the game on normal difficulty and with three lives. Then beat Ness.

Play as Luigi:
Complete Break The Target with the eight original characters and one bonus character. Then beat Luigi.

Sound test:
Complete Bonus Games 1 and 2 with all characters, including the secret ones.

Alternate costumes:
At the character selection screen, press C-Left, C-Right, C-Up, or C-Down.

Change Outfits:
You can change your characters' outfits by tapping the four C Buttons at the character select screen.

Mew in Pokeballs:
Unlock all four bonus characters.

Item menu (VS mode):
Play VS mode 50 times.

Classic Mushroom stage (VS mode):
Beat the game with all the original characters.

Japanese version

Play as Jigglypuff (Purin):
Beatthe game with Captain Falcon on any difficulty and number of lives. Then beat Jigglypuff.

Play as Captain Falcon:
Beat the game with any character on any difficulty and number of lives. Then beat Captain Falcon.

Custom menu:
Play Yoshi VS. Kirby 100 times for multiplayer options.

Item menu (VS Mode):
Get 100 kills with any characters.
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