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You're viewing Rampage 2 : Universal Tour Cheat Codes

Game Name : Rampage 2 : Universal Tour
System : Nintendo 64
Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:45:00
Views : 25147
Cheat :
All Characters
To unlock all characters, type GOT3T at the password screen.

Cheat Menu
To access the Cheat Menu, enter BVGGY as your password. Now go to the Options screen. One of the options will be "CHEATS".

Play as Alternate Alien
To play as the alternate alien with an unpronouncable name, enter the password: B1G4L

This should give you a purple form of Myukus that has all of his moves and favorite foods and also perfect stats.

Play as George
To access George, enter the password SM14N.

Play as Lizzy
To access Lizzy, enter the password S4VRS.

Play as Myukus
At the password screen type in N0T3T. In the code there is a zero and not the letter O.

Play as Nubus
Enter the following password to play as Nubus: SRY3D.

Play as Purple Myukus
To access Purple Myukus, enter BIG4L at the password screen.

Play as Ralph
To access Ralph, enter the password LVPVS.
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